Capstone Portfolios

TLI participants develop field-based Capstone Portfolios  focusing on the following frames of teacher leadership:

Instructional Leadership – placing teachers at the center of supporting and improving teaching and learning in their schools and districts;

Policy Leadership – ensuring that experienced and accomplished teachers inform and influence policy making decisions at the local, state and national levels;

Association Leadership – preparing current and future association leaders to include advancing the profession of teaching and the professional interests of members into the union advocacy agenda.

Participants designed and/or implemented a capstone that gave them meaningful and practical exposure to leadership opportunities in which to apply leadership competencies and reflect upon and learn from these experiences.


TLI 2021-2022

Capstone Projects from TLI 2022 Fellows

Contact Participant to view completed Capstone Portfolio.

Capstone Project
Megan Campbell & Jemilee Neely Easton

The Effect of Course Leveling on BIPOC High School Students: A Data Driven Approach

Roza Eynula Everett

Using Targeted Vocabulary-Building Activities to Bridge Academic Gaps in IReady Grade Level Readiness for Newcomer EL Students

Jennifer MacMurray Mansfield

Updating Our Union By-Laws

Tracy Stats Stoneham

Increasing Collaboration Time for Special Education Teachers

Kenneth Steinman Bunker Hill Community College

New Grievance Coordinator Beginner Pathway

TLI 2021

TLI 2019-2020

TLI 2018-2019

TLI 2017-2018

Pilot Year Three

Pilot Year Two

Pilot Year One